Pěkný zimní den!
nic. Protože z výše uvedených důvodů se vlastně nikam
nevypravuji a byt opouštím pouze za ůčelem pořízení nutného
proviantu (a krátkých
zdravotních procházek, aby se neřeklo), vžydcky na sebe akorát
něco hodím a jdu. Ale aby jste si nemyslely (i), že na vás
nemyslím, tak jsem vyfotila alespoň ten “nakupovací” (proto ta
taška) outfit. Není to nic extra, ale šedá a fialová a hlavně
lila patří mezi mé oblíbené kombinace barev.
A v čem chodíte nakupovat vy?
A v čem chodíte nakupovat vy?
Somehow I haven't managed to take photos during last weeks. First - I didn't have time to make photos since the winter began and days are shorter as I was usually running late for work (internsip) while the daylight was still weak and afternoon, when I was getting home it was already gone. And now there is the exam period and I am staying home all day long in order to learn something. Besides that the weather is cold. It is really strange – 3 °C under the the zero in Brussels are as same cold as – 10 °C in Prague. It should be caused by the higher humidity of air - the tax for the seaside location. But Belgians are used to their winters. It is true that they are almost scared when I tell them it is normal to have more than – 10 °C in my country. On the other site - it is true that when I am covering myself with coat and don't wear any shoes which end below my ankle, Belgian girls are wearing ballerinas - with the similar coat I am wearing on the picture. Without socks off course. I don't get it. And in the summer you can see girls in dresses and boots. Also without socks or anything similar. This I don't get at all. Their feet don't sweat probably.
Anyway as I almost don't leave my flat I don't dress up much. Just when I have to buy some food (or make a short health walks) I take the first clothes and go. But I don't want you to think I don't care about you, so I made at least the picture of another "shopping" outfit. It is not anything extra, but the combination of grey and lilac is my favorite.
And what do you wear for shopping?
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